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Large debris flows in steep-sloped ravines debouching to the Rimac River, in metropolitan Lima (Peruvian capital), have resulted in considerable loss of life and property adversely impacting communities in the region. Temporal, spatial and volumetric features of debris flows are difficult to predict, and it is of utmost importance that achievable management solutions are found to reduce the impact of these catastrophic events. The emotional and economic toll of these debris flows on this increasingly densely populated capital city in South America is devastating where communities must live in such inadequate and dangerous conditions. To address this problem, the application of advanced Japanese technology, Sustainable Actions Basin Orientation (SABO), has been investigated using a geomorphological modelling to develop an implementation plan. Rayos de Sol stream basin in Chosica, was selected as a pilot to develop the proposal, as it is considered high risk due to the presence of ancient debris flows and recent flows in 2012, 2015 and 2017. The recurrence of debris flows in this location has resulted in numerous deaths and catastrophic property losses. This study combines geologic and geomorphic mapping and hydraulic and landform evolution numerical modelling. The implementation of a SABO Master Plan based on the multidisciplinary assessment hazard scenarios, will allow the implementation of feasible mitigation actions. The SABO technology has been applied successfully in Japan and other countries in areas with steep short slopes, similar to the conditions surrounding the Peruvian capital. Results from this study will be presented to the Peruvian Government as part of an action plan to manage debris-flow impact.
  2. High-risk mass slope failure is linked to poor urban planning in urban developing regions of Lima the capital of Peru.

  3. A multidisciplinary study including geotechnical and hydrological analysis, engineering design, and socio-economic research is required to implement a SABO Master Plan, and this basin is pilot study basin.

  4. At the present time, a maintenance programme for existing hydraulic structures should be implemented, and a flood risk management plan developed may propose the relocation of some communities and infrastructure.

南海北部西沙海槽S1站位的岩心柱沉积物中广泛发育自生矿物黄铁矿,其形态以管状为主,且具有内部中空的圈层结构。使用扫描电镜、电子探针、LA-ICP-MS、SIMS等测试方法研究了管状黄铁矿的形态及圈层结构,结果显示: (1)管状黄铁矿发育内部中空的圈层结构,其中内圈层(Ipy)由莓球状黄铁矿呈五角十二面体紧密堆积组成,外圈层(Opy)由晶形较好晶粒较大的八面体黄铁矿组成,并混有沉积碎屑及钙质生物壳体;(2)内圈层和外圈层分别呈现出贫S富Fe和富S贫Fe的特征,其成因是甲烷渗漏造成的局部还原环境使得As进入黄铁矿中导致晶格空缺或被扭曲,从而促进Ni、Co、Cu、Zn、Pb等微量元素的掺入;(3)内圈层、外圈层发生了明显的硫同位素分馏现象,内圈层中 δ34S 平均为-37.8‰,外圈层中 δ34S 平均为-29.3‰。研究认为,管状黄铁矿作为曾经甲烷渗漏的通道,其生长机制可分为3个阶段: (1)气水通道形成阶段: 向上运移的甲烷流体在沉积物孔隙中逐渐形成气水通道;(2)外圈层形成阶段: 当向上运移的甲烷与硫酸盐发生甲烷厌氧氧化时,逐渐形成晶体较大、晶形较好的八面体黄铁矿外圈层;(3)内圈层形成阶段: 随着甲烷浓度逐渐降低,在气水通道中的微生物作用下,剩余甲烷与向下运移的硫酸盐继续反应形成莓球状黄铁矿内圈层。因此,南海北部的泥岩中大量发育的管状黄铁矿常常与地层中甲烷水合物的存在有关。  相似文献   
网络技术为科技期刊的发展提供了动力和渠道,促进了《古地理学报》办刊模式的转变。通过建立独立网站、为读者提供多样化的文章获取渠道、多样化的沟通方式、个性化的文章精准推送、加入OSID开放科学计划等,逐步形成了适应期刊发展的立体办刊模式。  相似文献   
本研究利用遥感和GIS技术,分析盐城自然保护区1983–2018年的景观格局变化,建立了基于区域自然-社会-经济复合生态系统安全格局的评价指标体系,分析了生态安全变化的空间特征和成因。结果表明,1983–2018年由于人类活动加剧,研究区内景观格局变化强烈,从以自然景观为主发展到自然景观与人工景观并存。在整体生态安全方面,目前保护区的生态安全状况不容乐观,从保护区丹顶鹤的生存状态看,保护区总体上还是适宜丹顶鹤栖息的,但由于人类活动的增加以及政策的调整,丹顶鹤的栖息地呈现破碎化并向核心区和缓冲区等局部区域聚集。我们应从管理、政策制定以及当地居民的环境保护意识上增加宣传和投入,并相应减少保护区内人类活动的强度。  相似文献   
陈嘉  韦素琼  陈松林 《地理科学》2019,39(6):957-966
结合统计数据及实地调研、访谈数据,研究中国台湾青枣种植技术透过台商直接投资渠道在福建省漳浦县落地、发散与传播过程,分析其时空扩散路径、格局与机制,以期揭示中国台商农业技术在中国大陆地区独具特色的扩散规律与机制,为加速两岸农业合作交流、制定技术应用政策提供理论与实践依据。研究发现,在时间维度,中国台商农业技术扩散过程呈现典型的S型曲线,但其扩散迅速、周期较短,扩散阻力小且示范效应显著;在空间维度,形成多核心、多强度、梯度扩散体系(中国台湾扩散源与本地扩散节点),扩散场相互叠加,以就近扩展扩散为主、等级扩散为辅的特色扩散格局。  相似文献   
干热岩是近些年逐渐发展起来的清洁能源,指埋藏于地球表面3000 m以深,不含或含少量水或蒸汽等流体,温度在180 ℃以上且渗透率极低的岩体。对干热岩的应用主要是建立增强型地热系统进行发电。目前对干热岩的研究尚处于起步阶段,干热岩的热源、热储、形成机理、埋藏机制等都未形成完整的理论体系,干热岩的开发过程也面临诸如储层改造、高温钻探以及随钻监测等一系列的技术“瓶颈”。干热岩资源储量大,开发利用过程低碳环保、节能高效,是国际社会公认的优质清洁能源,但是干热岩研究程度低,开发难度大,需要不断的知识积累和技术积累。本文从科普的角度列举了干热岩的相关研究现状及存在的问题,以期能让更多的人对这一“能源新星”加深了解。  相似文献   
现有基坑相关研究主要关注土方开挖过程引起的变形,认为围护结构变形起点是土方第1次开挖。然而,一些工程实测表明,基坑开挖前降水阶段即可引起围护结构及周边地层发生厘米级的变形。显然,未考虑开挖前变形的基坑监测数据将低估基坑施工的环境效应。为了研究基坑开挖前降水引发基坑变形的机制,开展了室内模型试验,对基坑开挖前降水过程进行了缩尺精细化模拟。通过微型降水井的设置与调控,模型试验真实再现了实际基坑降水过程中井流效应对围护结构受力变形的影响。试验过程中发现,随着降水的进行,坑外降水漏斗不断扩展,围护结构悬臂式侧移及坑外拱肩式地面沉降也随之产生。另外,降水导致墙前水压力明显减小,并诱发墙前侧向总压力重分布(以减小为主),围护结构为此发生指向坑内的悬臂式运动以寻求新的受力平衡,并通过墙后土体损失诱发坑外地层变形。  相似文献   
通过有效解决建设用地子类划分,实现定量评价城市热环境的空间分异性,对改善城市生态环境、实现城市化的健康发展具有重要的意义和科学价值。论文以广州市为例,参考自然城市的概念,基于5类兴趣点(Point Of Interest,POI)开放数据,结合城市建设用地分类标准,构建5类自然区块;在Landsat 8遥感影像地表温度反演的基础上,计算分析自然区块下地表热场等级分布格局、热场平均值及热环境足迹范围,以对城市热环境空间分异性进行评价。研究表明:① 自然区块的构建,能准确地反映各类POI数据空间分布情况,能够实现对建设用地子类型的划分;② 5类自然区块内部地表热场等级均以高温像元为主,但等级分布具有显著差异。同时,自然区块的热场平均值由高到低的排序为:工业区块>商业服务业区块>交通与道路区块>居住区块>公共管理与服务区块;③ 自然区块形成的高温集聚区,存在热量扩散现象,实际影响范围大于其物理边界,5类自然区块的热环境足迹范围具有分异性。热环境足迹影响范围由大到小排序为:工业区块>商业服务业区块>居住区块>道路与交通区块>公共管理与服务区块。研究结果可为微观尺度上分析城市热环境、改善城市生态环境、实现城市化的健康发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   
Achieving a reliable and accurate numerical prediction of the self-propulsion performance of a ship is still an open problem that poses some relevant issues. Several CFD methods, ranging from boundary element methods (BEM) to higher-fidelity viscous Reynolds averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) based solvers, can be used to accurately analyze the separate problems, i.e. the open water propeller and the hull calm water resistance. However, when the fully-coupled self-propulsion problem is considered, i.e. the hull advancing at uniform speed propelled by its own propulsion system, several complexities rise up. Typical flow simplifications adopted to speed-up the simulations of the single analysis (hull and propeller separately) lose their validity requiring a more complex solver to tackle the fully-coupled problem. The complexity rises up further when considering a maneuver condition. This aspect increases the computational burden and, consequently, the required time which becomes prohibitive in a preliminary ship design stage.The majority of the simplified methods proposed in literature to include propeller effects, without directly solve the propeller flow, in a high-fidelity viscous solver are not able to provide all the commonly required self-propulsion coefficients. In this work, a new method to enrich the results from a body force based approach is proposed and investigated, with the aim to reduce as much as possible the computational burden without losing any useful result. This procedure is tested for validation on the KCS hull form in self-propulsion and maneuver conditions.  相似文献   
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